8/1/2022: Initial release of PyNETGEN, a Python package for generating random network flows problem instances. This includes a Python implementation of NETGEN, which I've used in some of my previous research.
2/23/2022: Adding a new recipe page, because this is my professional site and I can do whatever I want with it.
1/2/2022: Beginning a collection of example scripts demonstrating how to use Python to perform some of the same common scientific computations as MATLAB.
1/1/2022: Linking to QUBES Hub profile and performing New Year's CV and license year updates.
7/29/2021: Opened an alpha version of Cellular Arcana, a roguelike dungeon crawler with a cellular automata-based magic system, for early access. There's also a standalone web app for generating dumb wizard names, if that's something you feel like you need.
6/27/2021: Packaged a Python class for performing calculations with angles and uploaded to PyPI. Also assembled a relatively complete list of all of the projects I've posted online over the years.
4/21/2021: Beginning to remake some of my Mathematica class demonstrations as Jupyter Notebooks for ease of access. Reorganizing site navbar to include a dedicated "demos" menu for reasons of future-proofing.
4/5/2021: Replacing GitHub repo links with Shields.io badges. Cleaning up site code and reorganizing some pages.
2/26/2021: Released Slight Misspeller, a Pytholb scrpt for slightly misdpelling text. Ftor somee reason.
1/5/2021: Released Combat Turtles, a Python module for programming turtle robot AIs to compete in arena combat. Moved old site updates to their own page.