Adam Rumpf: Math Person

GameMaker Studio 2 Scripts

GitHub Link

This is a collection of general-purpose functions I've made for GameMaker Studio 2 (Version 2.3), written in GameMaker's programming language GML. Most of them are either things that I've written for my own use during my years of hobbyist game development, or things that I thought might be of general utility that I had written using other programming languages during grad school. In particular this repository contains a lot of mathematical functions for things like linear algebra and computational mathematics.

I expect to add to this collection gradually over time as I write more functions for my own projects. The collection of scripts is packaged as a local asset package which can be loaded in full or in part into a GameMaker 2 Studio project. You can find a full listing of the included functions at the page or the GitHub repository. Like all of my work, these scripts are released under the MIT License and are freely available for anyone to use or modify for their own projects.

That description ended up shorter than I had wanted, so here's a drawing of me eating ramen.